Whistleblowers, Oh Canada, Precision Sports, Taxing Times, and International Produce Aisle.
Loose lips sink ships.
In June 2024, after spending five years in a London prison, Julian Assange flew to which remote Pacific island to plead guilty to espionage?
FBI agent Mark Felt was better known by what pseudonym during the Watergate scandal?
Daniel Ellsberg’s release of the Pentagon Papers was a response to the U.S. government's actions in what war?
What military branch was Chelsea Manning serving in when she released the largest set of classified documents in U.S. history?
The anonymous whistleblower in the 2004 Australia–East Timor spying scandal was known by what letter of the alphabet - C, K or X?
Oh Canada
Celebrating Canada Day on Monday, let’s take a look at the “Australia of the North”.
Guest category from House Hunsen!
What large, semi-aquatic rodent is the national animal of Canada?
Singing in English and French, who is the best-selling Canadian singer of all time in worldwide sales?
In 2022 approximately what percentage of the world’s maple syrup was from Canada - 25%, 50%, 75%?
Originating with the Ojibwa First Nations and documented as far back as the 12th century, what is Canada’s first national sport?
Which is the only one of the Great Lakes that is entirely within the United States and thus does not share a water boundary with Canada?
Oh Canada
Precision Sports
Require precision answers.
How many balls are used in a game of English Billiards?
How many points is the bulls-eye worth in archery - 10, 25 or 50?
Portrayed by John Turturro, “Jesus Quintana” is a ten-pin bowling anti-villain in what 1998 Coen brothers film?
Trap, skeet, and sporting are the main disciplines of which sport?
Complete this old rhyming golf adage:
“Drive for show, putt for…”
Precision Sports
Taxing Times
We've been withholding these questions.
Announced in this year’s Federal Budget, the July 2024 Australian tax cuts will include reducing the 19 per cent tax rate to what?
Often outputted in simple computer programs to illustrate a program language's basic syntax is what two-word phrase - “Hello, Human!”, “Hello, World!” or “Hello, Computer!”?
Displayed in a Scottish museum are the taxidermied remains of the first mammal ever cloned from an adult cell. What is this sheep's name?
In taxonomy, the short-beaked species of which Australian animal belongs to the genus Tachyglossus, meaning “quick tongue”?
A famous quote from Martin Scorsese’s 1976 film Taxi Driver is what four-word question asked by Robert De Niro as Travis Bickle?
Taxing Times
International Produce Aisle
We’ll give you the names other English-speaking countries give these foods, you tell us their common Aussie names.
Winter squash (USA)
Aubergine (UK)
All-dressed pizza (Canada)
Kumara (New Zealand)
Biltong (South Africa)
International Produce Aisle
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